leBLEU - francophone space pop
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leBLEU are proud to be part of Pickled Egg

Below you will find links to the lyrics for every song by leBLEU. These are organised in the order they appear on the album. All lyrics are copyright the names stated by the titles however feel free to read, download and enjoy them.

1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 7 . 9 . 10 . 11


Mesdame, messieurs, ca était Out of leBLEU. Nous esperons que, pendant les minutes qui ont passé, vous avez vous amuser à écouter la musique. On a voulu vous présenter une experience d'écoute de domicile exceptionelle. Une experience qui vous a offri un defi que vous n'avez pas pu refuser. Un defi de ne plus agir, mais de rêver.

Je ne peux pas me coucher
Je ne songe à rien
Sauf toi

English Translation:

Ladies and gentlemen, this has been Out of leBLEU. We hope that, in the time that has passed, you have enjoyed listening to the music. We wanted to provide you with an outstanding home-listening experience. An experience which presented you with a challenge that you couldn't refuse. A challenge no longer to act, but to dream.

I can't go to bed
I don't dream of anything
But you