Below you will find links to the lyrics for every song by leBLEU. These are organised in the order they appear on the album.
All lyrics are copyright the names stated by the titles however feel free to read, download and enjoy them. 1 .
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Les Tons Pastels et Noir (Lockwood-Holmes/Lockwood-Holmes) Elle porte ses secrets dans ses cheveux Des croix, des coeurs Dans son monde il n' y a que de fleurs Elle ne suit pas les heures Les tons pastels et le noir Elle est descendue la rivière Des choix, des rêves Elle s'est trouvée au carrefour Elle est allée nulle part Les tons pastels et le noir Un temple construit autour d'elle En verre, en plastique rose La voûte étoilée de pierre noir Une crevasse s'étend Les tons pastels et le noir English Translation: She carries her secrets in her hair Crosses and hearts There are only flowers in her world She loses track of time The pastels and the black She floats down the river Choices and dreams She finds herself at a crossroads She doesn't go anywhere The pastels and the black A temple built around her Made of glass and pink plastic The starry dome of black stone A crack spreads The pastels and the black |